Welcome to the third rigged and ready monthly roundup where we will be bringing you all the most exciting news and fish caught on our travel rods over the month of March. This month, we transitioned from winter to spring which brings a whole new element to UK fishing. The start of the trout season couldn’t come soon enough after a long winter, and while in some parts of the country the season only started at the back end of March, we still saw a few fish caught! It’s been a somewhat slow month for many, and as winter changes to spring, it signifies a change in the way many of us approach fishing. For example, pike anglers substitute dead baits for lures and in a more general sense, anglers begin to take more of an active approach to fishing.
One of the highlights for us this month was attending our second fishing show, the Big One at Farnborough. It was great to meet so many people that were interested in the style of fishing we offer. Thanks to everyone that met us there, bought our rods and even those who just stopped by for a chat to learn more about our brand! It was an honour to serve these gentlemen in particular! We will see you all next year.
Now it wouldn’t be a monthly roundup without bringing you a packraft caught pike from Martin at ! Armed with a Rigged and Ready predator rod, he is becoming well known for his small-boat caught pike. This rod has dual functionality with both spinning and baitcasting options, and Martin makes great use of the latter. Also featured in this great picture are the extendable travel net and the rigged and ready cap!
With trout season opening earlier in the North-West than other regions of the UK, George from the ‘Adventure Fishing UK’ YouTube channel got his season off to a flying start! This small stream Cumbrian brown trout was caught on our ultralight semi-telescopic Fish Rig 180. This fish lives in a tunnel, underneath a canal and the full video can be found at:
We are sorry this rod has been out of stock for longer than we had anticipated, but a lot of work is going on behind the scenes to get it back in as soon as possible! We aren’t far off now either. The Fish Rig 180 also managed to land this sizeable carp caught by Sydney Wren from sw.fishing_ on Instagram. For a tiny travel rod, it has an awful lot of backbone to comfortably handle a powerful fish like that! Also featured in this picture is our travel unhooking mat with a printed-on measuring tape.
Another picture we loved seeing was this immaculately laid out garage corner! Very impressive organisational skills, and a very impressive selection of travel fishing gear from Wayne Sumser-Ali of @s_astudios on Instagram. We’d love to see any pictures you all have of your storage solutions for your fishing gear, especially if you feel you can compete with this!
Another nice pike was caught this month by Jason, AKA the Eastbourne Fisherman on YouTube and Instagram. Pike are such an incredible fish, and it’s fascinating to see their cannibalistic nature up close. Pike definitely eat pike, and this is perhaps accentuated this month as many pike spawn in March, depending on temperatures. This makes them more aggressive towards their own kind. Well, that and the fact that a sizeable meal can be hard to turn down after expending a lot of energy on reproduction!
I’m sure there will be plenty of nice fish caught for you all in April, and the fishing scene will only get better into summer. Soon the fair-weather anglers will be out in full force, and with a bit of luck, we will start seeing some specimen fish out of some spectacular waters! Remember, make sure you tag us in your pictures on Instagram or send them in via email for a chance to feature on next month’s roundup!