Welcome back to the ninth Rigged and Ready monthly social media roundup! Here, we will be taking a look at some of the best and most interesting fish caught on our travel rods in September. In addition, there have been some really cool venues fished this month, both domestically and abroad! All in all, it’s been a good month of fishing. With more rain, the rivers have come alive and the drop in temperate has really woken the pike up! For the first time in a long time, we’ve been waking up to some bitterly cold mornings. A first taste of what’s to come this winter!

First and foremost, the end of September marks the end of the wild trout season. Harry from ‘Bang Average Fishing’, alongside George from ‘Adventure Fishing UK’ have really been making the most of it! This stunning brown trout was caught on a lure, using the semi-telescopic Fish Rig 180. The best of many on the day! If you haven’t already checked out these YouTube channels, we would highly recommend them. A great way to see our travel rods in action!

While on the topic of YouTube and trout fishing, ‘Adventure Fishing UK’ has recently hit the milestone of 10,000 subscribers. Celebrating in style, he took to the Lake District to film a couple of mountain trout fishing videos! These high-altitude tarns often require a strenuous hike to get up to, but can be extremely rewarding to fish. It’s wild fishing at its finest! When you’re walking up to three hours to your venue, that’s when you’ll appreciate a travel rod the most! In this instance, the Fish Rig 180 was the rod of choice, coupled with the RR1000 spinning reel!

It’s not often you’ll find an ultra-light telescopic rod capable of so much. The very same fishing rod many use to target small trout is often put to the test handling much more. While we don’t recommend you use the Fish Rig 180 for pike fishing, it certainly has enough backbone to handle one should the situation arise. Whether it be a pike deciding it likes the look of a perch lure or even the perch on the end of your line (yes, we’ve seen this happen twice recently…), the Fish Rig 180 has you covered! This gorgeous canal pike was caught recently by ‘@_.owenjay’

The X5 Adventure is another travel rod very capable of handling big predators, demonstrated here by @matt_trekking_fishing who uses it to catch black bass in France! We are seeing more and more of these amazing fish caught, especially by Matt on the X5 in its lure fishing configuration. This rod can also be used to fly fish, and as far as we’re aware a Black Bass has never been caught using a fly on this set-up! If you think you’re up to the challenge and are lucky enough to be able to target these fish, then that’s something we’d love to see!
What better way to make the most out of the last of the summer sun than to be out fishing for Bass and Pollock on the rugged Scottish coast? Believe it or not, that’s no snag putting that bend in the Predator Rod. It’s a big pollock! It’s great to see a bit of saltwater fishing being done, really demonstrating the versatility of the Rigged and Ready Travel Rods!
While sea fishing in Scotland certainly has its merits, some fish that can be caught further afield are in a league of their own. In terms of colours anyway! This beautiful Greek ornate wrasse was caught by ‘@h.ollyfishing’ whilst on holiday in Crete. The Rigged and Ready World Traveller was the rod of choice, truly living up to its name! Landed using the Rigged and Ready Landing Net Max too. If you’re going abroad later on in the year, then why not swing by our website? We sell plenty of products and accessories designed to make your travel fishing better and more convenient!

As far as fishing destinations go, it doesn’t get much more appealing than Greece! Scandinavian countries are definitely up there too. This photo of the X5 Adventure combination was taken by ‘@jernoutdoors’ while trout fishing on what looks like a remote forested lake in Sweden! He’s caught some stunning trout there too. It’s situations like these where having both fly, lure and bait fishing options really comes in handy!
As always, thank you for reading this month's TRAVEL ROD-CAST! Hopefully, we will see you for the next one, but until then keep fishing and keep tagging us/emailing in your best catches and photographs!